About Me

Hello! I am Md. Zunaed Karim. I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Currently I am completing my B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. I usually do web development works, with special interest in backend development and DevOps tools. To know more about my works, visit my projects page.

In my spare time, I love to read books, watch movies, TV series and travel to places with my friends. You can find me on Goodreads here.

Software Development Experience

My interest is in backend web development. I have worked with Python/Django (with/without Django Rest Framework) and NodeJS/Express.JS to develop web applications. Besides my backend works, I have also worked with React.js, Vue.JS and Django Templating Engine for designing frontends.

Currently I am working as a Junior Full Stack Engineer (Part Time) at Manush Technologies. There I mainly work with Nodejs/Express backend development and React frontend development. Besides I am now working on developing a site for Ar 1ta Boi, an online publisher and book seller startup. I am also collaborating with BUET System Analysis, Design and Development community on developing a social media site for buetians.

Beside web developments, I am also very enthusiastic about various DevOps tools. I am experienced with working on Linux Systems, using version control systems like git and containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes.

I have worked on developing the site of Traanchitro, a voluntary organization that aims to co-ordinate relief distribution among the Covid-19 affected people in Bangladesh. I have also worked on developing a Messenger Chatbot for our Tracthon project.

View complete list of my projects at the projects page or download my CV from here.

Other Activites

I also regularly participate in competetive programming contests. I have been secured top 10 in few national inter-university programming contests. My highest rating at Codeforces is 1900 (candidate master). You can see my profile here.

I, with my team, have also won several hackathons. Most recently, our team own Professor Jamilur Reza Choudhury Championship Award in Bangladesh Blockchain Olympiad 2021. In the competetion, we provided a solution to the make the banking system more efficient and far-reaching with a working prototype. We have also won Banglalink SDG Hackathon, BUET CSE Fest 2020 Hackthon, Tracthon by BRAC Robotics Club and Hack the Verse organized by IIT Software Engineers Community, University of Dhaka.

I have debated representing BUET Debating Club. I am also working as Vice President of the club. I am also volunteering for BUET System Analysis, Design and Development community .


If you are interested to contact with me or hire me, please send me an email at zunaed.sifat@gmail.com. I will reach back to you as soon as I can!